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Store an evaluation dataset in PhariaStudio

Prerequisites to submit a dataset

Follow the instructions here to create a list of examples before creating and storing the evaluation dataset.

Add the necessary dependencies

from intelligence_layer.connectors import StudioClient
from intelligence_layer.evaluation import (

Submit the Dataset via Code

Let's initialize the PhariaStudio client linking to an existing project.

studio_client = StudioClient("Test Evaluation")

Once the client is initialized and pointing to a project, it is possible to submit the dataset.

studio_dataset_repo = StudioDatasetRepository(studio_client=studio_client)

studio_dataset = studio_dataset_repo.create_dataset(
metadata={"description": "This is an extensive list of jokes"},

Check Your Dataset in PhariaStudio

Once you submitted the dataset, it is possible to check it from the Dataset section of PhariaStudio.

Product > Use Evaluation > studio-dataset-list.png

By clicking on the three dots menu, it is possible to delete the dataset or copy its ID to be used while creating the Benchmark object.

Product > Use Evaluation > studio-dataset-copyid.png

Clicking on the line, the UI will display the content of the dataset.

Product > Use Evaluation > studio-dataset-item.png

Upload the Dataset via Studio UI

It is possible to upload a new dataset by accessing Evaluate > Datasets from the sidebar. If the current project does not have any datasets, the UI will present the code snippet to enable the creation of a dataset via code.

Product > Use Evaluation > studio-evaluation-datasets.png

By clicking on the Upload Dataset button, a modal will appear with further instructions.

Product > Use Evaluation > studio-upload-datasets.png

The dataset file needs to be in the JSONLine format and each example contain a unique ID.