📄️ Use the Playground
In this tutorial, we will guide you through the process of using PhariaAI's Playground to interact with the models provided. The Playground is a powerful tool that allows you to input prompts in two modalities: only prompt and raw text string. We will also cover the basic settings available in the right sidebar and how to add custom settings for each model.
📄️ Add Intelligence Layer to your Poetry project
Prerequisites for installation
📄️ Implement a simple task
Prerequisites for implementing a task
📄️ Execute a task and Submit its trace to PhariaStudio
📄️ Create Examples for an evaluation datasets
An example is the line item of a dataset for Evaluation. Each Example contains the input that the user could provide and the expected output that the AI logic should return. In real world applications, these Examples are collected from Annotation tools or from validated feedback from users.
📄️ Store an evaluation dataset in PhariaStudio
Prerequisites to submit a dataset
📄️ Create and submit evaluations
Prerequisites to use evaluation
🗃️ Getting started with Pharia Kernel Skills
6 items
📄️ Getting Started with Pharia Applications
Before diving into the process of developing and deploying a Pharia AI Application, it's essential to understand what a Pharia AI Application is. For a comprehensive overview, refer to What is a Pharia AI Application?.
📄️ Pharia Applications Quick Start Guide
Creating a Pharia Application
📄️ Getting Started with the UI Library for AI Applications
The Aleph Alpha UI library provides a robust set of components for developing Pharia applications. This guide will help you get started with instrumenting your application using the UI library and demonstrate how to use one of its components.
🗃️ Finetune a model with PhariaFinetuning
5 items
🗃️ Turn files into collections
3 items