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How to Enable Self-Sign-Up

PhariaAI uses Zitadel as an identity provider. Zitadel provides a self-service registration flow that allows users to sign up for an account without the need for an administrator to create an account for them. Using this flow, a user can sign up for an account by providing their email address and a password. They will then receive a verification email to confirm their email address and complete the registration process. We recommend to filter the email addresses to only allow users with a specific domain to sign up.


  • You enabled the flag pharia-iam.config.adminEnableZitadelManagement during the installation of PhariaAI, see section 1 at Installation of PhariaAI -> Helm Chart Installation -> IAM Configuration.
  • You have an email provider which you can use to send verification emails.

Configure an Email Provider in Zitadel

To enable self-sign-up, you need to configure an email provider in Zitadel. This is necessary to send verification emails to users who sign up for an account. You can use one of the pre-configured email providers or any other email provider that supports SMTP or API-based email sending.

  1. Open the Zitadel Console
    • Navigate to the Zitadel console at https://login.<YOUR_CONFIGURED_DOMAIN>/ and log in with your initial user account.
    • If you happen to land on the info page of your admin account, navigate to https://login.<YOUR_CONFIGURED_DOMAIN>/ui/console or click on the logo in the top left corner. If this has no effect, you probably logged in with the wrong account. zitadel-console
  2. Configure an Email Provider
    • Open the Default Settings on the right upper corner and navigate to the Email Providers section.
    • Add your preferred email provider by clicking on its icon and following the instructions.

Enable Self-Registration in Zitadel

  1. Open the Zitadel Console
    • Go back to the main screen by clicking on the logo in the top left corner.
  2. Enable Self-Sign-Up and Domain Discovery for the Pharia Organization
    • Switch to the Pharia organization.
    • Go to the Settings tab and select Login Behavior and Security. On the bottom of the page, check the boxes for User Registration allowed and Domain Discovery allowed. Then click on Save. zitadel-enable-self-sign-up
    • Navigate to the settings for Verified domains. Make sure that the email domain of your company appears here, otherwise add it by clicking on the + New button. zitadel-verified-domains
  3. Install check for correct domain on sign up
    • Navigate to the Actions tab and click on the + New button to create a new action. Make sure that the action has the same name as the function defined in the action, in this example filterRegistration. Copy the code from the snippet below and paste it into the editor. You need to replace the example domains with the domains you want to allow for sign-up, and you may add more domains if needed. For further information on how to write actions, see the Zitadel documentation.
      * Only allow users with a given domain to register
      * Flow: Internal Authentication or External Authentication, Trigger: Pre creation
      * @param ctx
      * @param api
      function filterRegistration(ctx, api) {
      let validDomains = ["", ""];
      let isValid = false;
      for (const domain of validDomains){
      if ("@" + domain)) {
      isValid = true;
      if (!isValid){
      throw "email needs to be from domain " + validDomains.join(", ");
    • Disable the box Allowed To Fail. Disabling this checkbox generates a warning as any coding errors for example may now prevent anyone to register. However, as we specifically want to prevent registration from users with an invalid domain. Therefore, we can close the warning and then click on Add. zitadel-actions
    • Select the Flow Type Internal Authentication and click the Add Trigger button. Now select the Trigger Type Pre Creation and select the previously created Action. Click on Save. zitadel-action-trigger

Optional: Configure Default Roles for Self-Registration

To access any resource in PhariaAI, a user must be assigned a role. You can configure default roles for federated users to be assigned for newly registered users.

Add Role Assignment

  • Stay in the Actions tab for the Pharia organization, a default action with the name assignDefaultRole should already be present. If you wish to have another default role than AssistantUser, you can change this in the values under pharia-iam.config.defaultRolesForLogin.
  • Again, select the Flow Type Internal Authentication and click the Add Trigger button. This time select Trigger Type Post Creation and select the previously created Action. Click on Save. zitadel-sign-up-pipeline