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Summarize Text and Document

In Assistant, you can either upload a document or directly enter some text into the input field in the Source area for summarization.


To Summarize the Text:

  1. Type or paste the text into the input field in the Source area.
  2. Select the desired summary length (Short / Medium / Long) in the drop-down.
  3. Click the button "Summarize".
  4. The generated summary will appear in the Summary area.

Please note: You can generate a new summary by clicking the "Summarize" button again. A new summary will replace the previous one.

To Summarize a Document:

  1. Click on the button "Upload document" at the top of the Source area.
  2. Select a file in the "Upload document" popup from your computer.
  3. Click the button "Upload" to upload the document.
  4. Click the button "Summarize".
  5. The generated summary will appear in the Summary area.



Please note: If you upload a document after summarizing some text, the newly uploaded document will be used for summarization and the previous input text will be removed.

  • Only one document can be uploaded at a time.
  • Supported document formats: .docx, .pdf, .txt
  • Maximal document size: 20 MB
  • Assistant supports PDF documents that require optical-character recognition (OCR), i.e., scanned documents. This is currently limited to documents with at most five pages.

To Edit Summary:

  1. Summarize your text or document.
  2. Click on the summary in the Summary area and start editing it.

To Copy Summary:

  1. Summarize your text or document.
  2. Click on the "Copy summary" icon in the Summary area.
  3. The summary text will be copied and can then be pasted anywhere.


To Clear Source Text:

  1. To delete the text, click the cross icon in the Source area.
  2. The source text and summary will be immediately deleted.

To Delete the Document:

  1. To delete the uploaded document, click the cross icon next to the uploaded document.
  2. The uploaded document and its summary will be immediately deleted.

To Rate a Summary:

Two options are available to provide feedback for a generated summary to report whether the result matches the expectation or not.

Positive Feedback:

  1. Click on the "Like summary" icon below the summary in the Summary area to provide positive feedback.
  2. For on-premise deployments, feedback will be stored locally. You can extract it and send it to us to provide your feedback.


Negative Feedback:

  1. Click on the "Dislike summary" icon below the summary in the Summary area to provide negative feedback.
  2. A popup will appear to provide additional optional information.
    1. Select multiple feedback options:
      • Made up/Incorrect
      • Too short/Incomplete
      • Bad grammar
      • Biased/Discriminating
      • Too long/Lengthy
      • Irrelevant content
    2. Add a comment in the field "Other".
  3. Click the button "Report".
  4. For on-premise deployments, feedback will be stored locally. You can extract it and send it to us to provide your feedback.


Supported Languages:

  • English
  • German