Q&A in Assistant
In Assistant, you can ask questions related to an uploaded document or an existing collection of documents. The Assistant will provide an answer, if the information is available within the selected document(s) providing references and highlighting the exact text where the answer was found.
To ask a question from a document:
- Navigate to the Chat box at the bottom of the screen.
- Click on the button "Upload document".
- Select a file in the "Upload document" popup from your computer.
- Click on the button "Upload" to upload the document.
- The uploaded document name will be shown in the Chat area.
- Write a question in the input field in the Chat area marked with the placeholder "Ask anything from your uploaded documents or collections".
- Click on the button "Send" or press the keyboard button "Enter".
- The generated answer will appear on the top of the screen.
Please note: If you upload a document while you have a selected Collection of documents, the newly uploaded document will deselect the Collection as a source for Q&A.
- You can upload only one document at a time.
- A newly uploaded document will replace the previous one or the selected Collection.
- Supported document formats: .docx, .pdf, .txt
- Maximal document size: 20 MB
- Assistant supports PDF documents which require optical-character recognition (OCR), i.e., scanned documents. This is currently limited to documents which have at most five pages.
To ask a question from Collections:
- Navigate to the Chat box at the bottom of the screen.
- Click on the button "Ask from collections".
- Select a Collection from the shown options in the drop-down by clicking on it.
- The selected Collection will be shown in the Chat box.
- Write a question in the input field in the Chat area marked with the placeholder "Ask anything from your uploaded documents or collections".
- Click on the button "Send" or press the keyboard button "Enter".
- The generated answer will appear on the top of the screen.
To see references:
- Ask a question and wait for an answer.
- Click on the "Show reference" text below the answer.
- The references will be shown in the References tab on the right side of the screen.
Please note: References are chunks of data from the uploaded document or the selected Collection used to generate the answer. The most relevant pieces of the text are highlighted in color.
To copy the answer:
- Ask a question and wait for an answer.
- Click on the "Copy answer" icon located below the answer.
- The answer will be copied and can be pasted anywhere.
To remove the question and answer:
- To delete a question and its answer, click the cross icon next to the question.
- The question and its answer will be immediately deleted.
To remove the complete history of all questions and answers:
- Navigate to the Chat box at the bottom of the screen.
- Click the "Clear all" button.
- In the "Clear all history" popup, click the button "Confirm".
- All questions and answers will be removed.
To remove the document:
- Navigate to the Chat box at the bottom of the screen.
- Click on the cross icon next to the name of the uploaded document.
- The document will be removed.
To rate an answer:
Two options are available to provide feedback for a generated answer to report, whether the result matches the expectation or not.
Positive feedback:
- Click on the "Like summary" icon below the answer to provide positive feedback.
- For on-premise deployments, feedback will be stored locally. You can extract it and send it to us to provide your feedback.
Negative feedback:
- Click on the "Dislike summary" icon below the answer to provide negative feedback.
- A popup will appear to provide additional optional information.
- Select multiple feedback options:
- Made up/Incorrect
- Too short/Incomplete
- Bad grammar
- Biased/Discriminating
- Too long/Lengthy
- Irrelevant content
- Add a comment in the field "Other".
- Select multiple feedback options:
- Click the button "Report".
- For on-premise deployments, feedback will be stored locally. You can extract it and send it to us to provide your feedback.