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Uninstall PhariaAI

To uninstall PhariaAI, use the following helm command:

helm uninstall pharia-ai -n <pharia-ai-install-namespace>

PhariaAI PVCs and secrets are retained after uninstallation (incase you want to use them for a later installation, or perform backups). To completely remove all PVCs and Secrets in your pharia-ai namespace (including model weights!), run the following commands:

kubectl get pvc -n <pharia-ai-install-namespace> -o name | xargs -I{} kubectl delete {} -n <pharia-ai-install-namespace>
kubectl get secret -n <pharia-ai-install-namespace> -o name | xargs -I{} kubectl delete {} -n <pharia-ai-install-namespace>

If you would like to keep the model weights, then run the kubectl delete pvc <pvc-name> -n <pharia-ai-install-namespace> command against the relevant PVCs from kubectl get pvc -n <pharia-ai-install-namespace>, excluding the models PVCs.