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Intelligence Layer Release 4.1.0

· 2 min read

What's new with version 4.1.0


Dear developers, we’re happy to announce the release of the Intelligence Layer 4.1.0!

To help you navigate these updates since release 4.0.1, we’ve organized them by topics, offering a clearer view of what’s new in each functional area. For the full list of changes, please refer to the changelog on our GitHub release page.

Introduction of new ArgillaClient

We introduced a new ArgillaWrapperClient which uses the argilla package as a connection to Argilla and supports all question types that Argilla itself supports in their FeedbackDataset. This also includes text and Yes/No questions.

Optional metadata for examples

It is now possible to add metadata and labels to Datasets, RunOverviews, EvaluationOverviews and AggregationOverviews. These allow for filtering and better organizing/grouping your Datasets and Overviews and allow you to annotate these with hyperparameters like your current model and prompt.


  • Reinitializing different AlephAlphaModel instances and retrieving their tokenizer should now consume a lot less memory.
  • Evaluations now raise errors if ids of examples and outputs no longer match. If this happens, continuing the evaluation would only produce incorrect results.
  • Performing evaluations on runs with a different number of outputs now raises errors. Continuing the evaluation in this case would only lead to an inconsistent state.