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This endpoint has been deprecated and may be replaced or removed in future versions of the API.

Will summarize a document using a specific model. This interface is deprecated and will be removed in a later version. New methodologies for processing Summarization tasks will be provided before this is removed.


Query Parameters

    nice boolean

    Setting this to True, will signal to the API that you intend to be nice to other users by de-prioritizing your request below concurrent ones.


    hosting Hostingnullable

    Possible values: [aleph-alpha, null]

    Optional paramter that specifies which datacenters may process the request. You can either set the parameter to "aleph-alpha" or omit it (defaulting to null).

    Not setting this value, or setting it to null, gives us maximal flexibility in processing your request in our own datacenters and on servers hosted with other providers. Choose this option for maximum availability.

    Setting it to "aleph-alpha" allows us to only process the request in our own datacenters. Choose this option for maximal data privacy.

    document object required

    Valid document formats for tasks like Q&A and Summarization.

    These can be one of the following formats:

    • Docx: A base64 encoded Docx file
    • Text: A string of text
    • Prompt: A multimodal prompt, as is used in our other tasks like Completion

    Documents of types Docx and Text are usually preferred, and will have optimizations (such as chunking) applied to work better with the respective task that is being run.

    Prompt documents are assumed to be used for advanced use cases, and will be left as-is.

    docx base64



    model_version string

    model name and version (if any) of the used model for inference

    summary string

    Summary of the document. For longer documents, this may be a bulleted list of summaries for sections of the document.
